Wellness and Health Screening
Low-Risk Job Opportunities amid the COVID-19 Crisis Sign up now for Work AlertsWe’re adding Services to help American businesses
As you know, we are normally a Premiere Event and Set Medic Company.
But now, we are using our vast database to help keep American industries moving by providing on-site wellness checks focused on COVID-19 screening best practices.
Portal Login
How's it work?
During the COVID shutdown, we found new life scanning construction workers at several construction sites who need medical professionals to scan their employees and be sure everyone is following Best Practices.
That’s where you come in!
We provide specific procedures to you so you can properly screen employees.
Medics have a great opportunity to make good money and help keeping American industries keep moving.
- Increased wages to $25/Hr.
- Scanning Equipment is provided
- Consistant Monday to Friday for multiple months
- Lots of overtime opportunities.
- 6 and 12 hour shifts.
What will you Provide?
- You will primarily be providing temperature checks at different intervals.
- For those who are outside our parameters are sent to HR.
- Some documentation and organization may be required.

What we don't Provide
- We do not treat suspected COVID-19 patients
- We do not test for the virus.
- We are not setting up a medical center at the facility or providing OSHA safety services. (not at this time)

Lower-Risk Job Opportunities
The medical profession is full of risks, more now than ever. Our current opportunities are lower risks than most First Responder positions:
- We are scanning well people
- Minimal contact with individuals
- Our clients follow OSHA regulations
- We provide Workers Compensation Insurance
A New Skill set has been added to our portal
We created a new Skills Set on our portal called “Health and Wellness Checks“
The purpose of this position is to go to places of business and screen employees prior to and/or during working hours.
Job Requirements:
- Thermometers: We provide the thermometers and in some cases our Infared camera systems. (FDA approved, of course)
- Personal PPE that is provided:
- Gloves
- Hard Hat, Safety Glasses, Safety Vest for construction sites (Provided or reinbursed by NSM )
- Boots (steel-toed best) for construction sites
- You provide your own face-covering of choice.
- Protocols and procedures: We will provide you with (where applicable):
- Signs and symptoms to look for.
- Questions to ask.
- Cleaning procedures for your equipment
- Potential patient procedures
- Self-Care protection procedures for yourself
How to Sign up

Screening Procedures FAQ
As it is with most of the nation, many industries are on hold. Including the Film and Event market. But these skills are completely transfreable.
We were screening cast and crews on our movie sets well before this mass shut down. We are experienced with, and accostumed to looking after a variety of work crews in different fields.
We strongly encourage those who can stay home, stay home but for those in critical industries, we are there the add another layer of protection to your workforce.
Where are we getting our protocols?
Our Director of Operations Dan is currently deployed with a COVID-19 federal health and medical taskforce (HTMF).
With Dan being deployed he gets first-hand access to the latest information for dealing with COVID-19 which helps us provide you with the most up to date screening critieria
In addition our Medical Director Andy approves and signs off on all protocols. Besides writing protocols for the United States Special Forces, Dr. Andy is also on the forefront of this pandemic as an emergency room doctor.
We are also using up-to-date best practices from the CDC and other governmental agencies. We will adjust our protocols and notify our medics in the field as necessary.
- Log into our portal
- Click My Profile
- Select Skills/Certifications
- Check “Health and Wellness Checks”
- Answer the questions
We will send work alerts when opportunities arise in your area.
While you’re there…
- Confirm/update your profile information.
- Be sure to check your spam folder and allow emails from workalerts@setmedics.tv

We're Looking for a Few Good Medics
We are registering EMT's, Paramedics, Lifeguards, Rope and Swift Water rescue professionals throughout the USA.
Are you an EMT, Paramedic or EMS professional? If so, reach out
© 2023, T-Minus Productions Inc. All Rights Reserved.
National Set Medics® | National Event Medics® | Reality Medics®
National Site Medics™ | Moto-Rescue™