“Badges? We don’t need no stinking badges!”
You don’t need no stinking badges either. You do need to be certified though…
Oh, and not stinky helps too!
FAQ for the Medical Professional
Who do you hire?
You must be a current EMT, paramedic or have a higher certification such as a nurse, PA or doctor. We also hire Lifeguards, and other specialty rescue personnel like Rope, swift water and high-angle rescue!
Taxes: W2 or 1099?
You are a subcontractor. At the end of the year if you meet the IRS minimum threshold (Currently $600) you will receive a 1099 form from us. Please review your agreement for full details.
Do you have any full-time positions?
Currently we do not have any full time positions.
What insurance is provided.
When you are working on one of our productions/events you are included on our Medical Malpractice Insurance.
IMPORTANT NOTE: You are only covered for the scope of practice your are booked for. If you go beyond outside this scope, you are not covered. Unless notified otherwise, you are a “First Responder”
As an independent contractor, you are responsible for your own Workers Compensation. If Workers compensation is provided, you will be notified in writing.
*This is not a complete listing of terms, please see your agreement full terms and conditions
Do you have to be “Nationally Certified”?
No, we book local medics close to the film site. So your local certification is all that is required. If we do travel you out of your area you will be working under our own medical protocols.
How do I know when something is available in my area?
The only way to assure you get notified of Work Alerts” is by registering on our portal. We do not sell your information and you can cancel anytime.
“Do you have anything coming up in _________?”
We get frequent emails and Facebook questions asking if we have any jobs in “X” location.
We go where the production goes and we rarely have a lot of notice beforehand.
Your only guaranteed chance of being notified of official openings is by registering on our portal.
How / When do we get paid?
You are paid as a subcontractor “1099”. After the gig you will fill out an on-line time sheet on our portal. Once the times are confirmed by the production company and we have received all your documentation, any equipment on loan, etc. in good order, we issue payments on the 1st and 15th of the month. Your pay date could be delayed if your time submission(s) require confirmation, pending equipment return or additional paperwork is late. We pay you regardless if the production pays us.
Who's protocols are we working under?
Unless notified otherwise, you are working as a “First Responder”, “Basic First Aid” regardless of your certification.
If you are working an ALS or Reality Medic gig, then you will be working under our doctors’ protocols. Protocols and additional details are provided once hired for the position.
A few points of note:
- We do not perform services to the general public. We only provide services to the cast, crew or participants of an event or production.
- You are required to have your own kit. Sometimes a kit is provided. You will be notified at the time of booking.
What is a Reality Medic® and how do I become one?
Reality Medics are paramedics (or higher certification) we send out to the most challenging and remote locations (Including international). Examples include shows such as Discovery’s Naked and Afraid and Deadliest Catch.
A Reality Medic is someone who has spent their medical careers perfecting their skill and knowledge, in great physical shape, professional and well experienced in the field. We typically look for flight medics, critical care medics, combat medics, etc.
Reality Medics are expected to have performed most if not all paramedic skills reliably in the field; plus more. Suturing experience is also a great, although not required, skill to have.
Reality Medics operate under broad protocols with 24 hour access to our dedicated medical director.
If you think you have what it takes and want to submit your information for consideration register on our portal and follow the instructions.
What if the producer wants to book me directly at a later date.
If the producer is very pleased with your work. Thank you. Typically when a producer reaches out to the medic, they think they are reaching out to National Set Medics.
In such cases, it is important that you refer them back to our corporate office for re-booking.
Accepting a booking from a party that we introduced you to is a violation of your agreement.
Worst yet, by doing so, you are still representing National Set Medics and the production company may assume they are covered under the same insurance and guarantees we provide. If something happens you are liable for everything.
Please review your agreement for the specific details because we take these matters seriously and we pursue violations forcefully.
Why so serious? We invest tens of thousands of dollars to procure these engagements and maintain a certain level of service.
What does this not mean? This does not mean you can’t do your own thing. This is not a non-compete. If you provide a similar service, that is fine. You just can’t perform your service to party’s we introduce you to, through your services with us. Again, please review your agreement carefully.
What if I am Union?
We are a Non-Union organization. We do not work with or represent IATSE in any fashion. We cannot get you on the roster or help you with any union matters.
With that said, producers occasionally ask us for union medics. As a courtesy to both the producer and our union brothers and sisters, we may send out work alerts to our registered Union Medics. Those who are available to work may respond and we will pass your information to them.
We simply pass your personal contact information to the producer. You negotiate with the producer directly. We do not pay you, you do not pay us. Any problems, payments, etc. is between you, IATSE and the producer. We guarantee nothing and represent nothing.
As a union medic you can select two registration options:
- You may elect to receive only Union Work Alerts.
- You may elect to receive both Union and Non-Union Work Alerts
If you are hired for a non-union job you accept and acknowledge that we do not provide union rates or union benefits.
If you register as a union medic and are not a union medic you will be placed on our “Do Not Hire” list and will not receive any future Work Alerts for either union or non-union productions.
© 2023, T-Minus Productions Inc. All Rights Reserved.
National Set Medics® | National Event Medics® | Reality Medics®
National Site Medics™ | Moto-Rescue™